you at risk of becoming addicted to gambling?
recommends that you ask yourself the following questions for self
• Do you frequently borrow money in order to place bets?
• Have you ever sold anything of value, or thought about selling something,
in order to bet with that money?
• Are you missing money for other important expenses after you suffering
losses during the betting?
• Do you bet more money than you really want to?
• Do you often think about bets and betting possibilities?
• When you think about sports, do you mostly think of bets?
• Do you sometimes have a guilty conscience because you bet?
• Do you try to hide your visits to the betting sites secret from
your family or friends?
• Does your betting cause problems within your family?
• Do you neglect your family due to your betting?
• When you lose, do you try to compensate for your losses by placing
additional bets?
• When you win, do you try to increase your winnings by placing additional
• Have you ever thought about stealing money or obtaining money by
fraud in order to finance your wagers?
you have answered one or more of the questions above with "Yes",
you should think about your gambling behaviour. On the next page you
will find a few counselling centres and/or self-help groups in your
area, which you can turn to. If you have answered more than five questions
with "Yes", we urge you to seek help.
you wish for your account to be blocked or want a personal wager limit,
loss limit or to reduce the time you are allowed to play per session,
please contact us on Any limits that you request
will be activated once your request is processed. A removal or a decrease
of a limit will only be carried out after 7 days from when your request
is processed.
regarding gambling addiction can be found on the Internet at the following
Helpline of the Federal Centre for Health Education
011-49-01 80/1 37 27 00
Mon - Thu: 10 a.m. - 10 p.m., Fri - Sun 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. (max. 4.6
Attention! Gambling can be
Customers of Topgoal (Malta) Ltd,
the Federal Constitutional Court has recently determined, games of
chance and betting can lead to abnormal addictive behaviour.
most people the betting pertaining to virtual greyhound and sports
events is considered to be an exciting and entertaining leisure activity.
However, there is the risk of losing control in regard to your gambling
behaviour and that the betting is no longer an enjoyment, but rather
an obsessive activity.
continue to have fun while betting and exercise a certain sense of
restraint when betting!
• Do not bet more than you originally intended.
• Do not consider losses as a reason to bet once more in order to
offset those losses.
• Do not spend more money on betting than you would typically spend
on other leisure activities.
• Set clear goals ahead of time: how much money you will spend for
bets per betting shop or per week.
• Do not stay longer at the betting shop than you really wanted to.
• Do not place bets if you are slightly intoxicated.
• If you are satisfied with Topgoal, do not visit any additional betting
Topgoal (Malta) Ltd recommends spending no more than 15 Euro
per session